We strive to understand your business goals and design technical solutions to meet them in minimal time. We take cybersecurity very seriously and work to ensure the secrety and integrity of the Software.
Totaldevs. A platform for an exclusive community of professional latin american developers.
Xavier. Discover the hottest upcoming products using artificial intelligence.
Cursive. (Chrome extension) Measures and analyzes your writing process.
Open Source
FastApy. Scalable python backend with job scheduling using rq and FastAPI.
The purpose of software is automation and generalization. We believe software is the tool that solves decision-making under uncertainty and constrained resources. Machines should be at the service of humans. Therefore, we focus our attention and efforts into developing safe and efficient algorithms for the benefit of humanity.
LUSI is a computable approximation of AIXI
(Hutter) An optimal agent (AIXI) is an agent that interacts with an environment in cycles k=1,2,...,m. In cycle k, AIXI takes action ak based on past perceptions o1r1…ok−1rk−1 as defined below. Thereafter, the environment provides a (regular) observation ok (e.g. a camera image) to AIXI and a real-valued reward rk.